‘The world only exists in your eyes – you can make it as big or as small as you like.’ – F. Scott Fitzgerald.


Creating your own world in your novel is one of its most important elements. Otherwise, where can your characters live? Love? Fight for their lives? How can you set up your plot lines with no background?

A good setting frames a novel, makes your characters believable, and can hold your readers interest until the very last page. Who doesn’t want that, right?

Here are a few tips to help you along the way:

  1. Use your imagination! By that I mean let your thoughts, and ideas flow. Open your mind to all possibilities and your writing will flow. If you find your computer room a bit stale in your creativity, then – take a walk, listen to music, do some baking – anything that will let the ideas pop to the surface. For my latest book (still in the editing stage), I took inspiration from a TV show I was watching at the time. I found myself asking ‘What if?’ a lot – and set about writing my book!
  2. So, as inspiration hits – write it down. Have a pen and paper to hand at all times – in the bathroom, bedside, kitchen, garage – and then jot down your ideas. They may seem like random thoughts and squiggles, but who knows where they will lead?
  3. Jot down at the start where your book will be set – then write all you know about that place. Research as much as possible – whether its a tropical jungle, a desert, or even in space – if you find out as much as you can about the world you’re character will inhabit, all the better! You can always edit it down later.
  4. Take into account all 5 senses as you create your world – smell, sound, sight, taste and touch. By using these (don’t stress about using them all, at any one time), they will enhance the setting and your characters’ place in that world. Any mood you create will influence your characters, make them more real to the reader, whilst driving the plot forward.
  5. ‘Show, don’t tell.’ You’re probably heard this a hundred times, but it still rings true. Instead of saying. ‘It was warm,’ describe the world around your character – the weather is only a small part of that! NB :A literary friend of mine told me to avoid writing about the weather at the start of every chapter – it makes for a monotonous read!

There you go – tips and ideas to get your creative juices flowing, and a bestseller by Christmas ! (Well, we can all dream ….!)

Please share any tips you have, they are all welcome here!

Have a great week!

#writing #writingtips #settings #storytelling